No. 21: La Teoría Crítica de una orilla a otra
Nature and human condition

Horkheimer: Anthropology, Humanism and Critical Theory

Ignacio Vento Villate
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published July 25, 2019


Horkheimer, Human Being, Philosophical Anthropology, Individual, Individualism, Critical Theory.
How to Cite
Vento Villate, I. (2019). Horkheimer: Anthropology, Humanism and Critical Theory. Bajo Palabra, (21), 39–58.


The present work focuses on Horkheimer's reflection on the question of the concept of Man considering the analysis that the author makes of his philosophical unfolding within a tension created by the crucial oppositions that, from a critical approach, presents the fundamental anthropological question. That is, between the notion of epistemic subject and the ontological tradition, between the notion of man and the concrete individual, between individualism and the social totality and, finally, between the unique condition of the human being and his / her identity within the historical social fabric in which he / she lives.


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