No. 21: La Teoría Crítica de una orilla a otra
Nature and human condition

Body, Nature and Rebellion: The Somatic component in Adorno´s thought and negative dialectics

Fabrizio Fallas-Vargas
Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR)
Published July 25, 2019


Body, nature, somatic component, Negative Dialectics, Adorno
How to Cite
Fallas-Vargas, F. (2019). Body, Nature and Rebellion: The Somatic component in Adorno´s thought and negative dialectics. Bajo Palabra, (21), 19–38.


This paper aims to explore some of the links between Adorno's thought and its Negative Dialectic, withethe "place" assigned to the body and nature within the regime of experience/existence that characterizes affirmative/identity rationality in its most diverse manifestations and the different orders of the epistemic, ethics, aesthetics and even libidinal elements. Likewise, it aims to reconstruct that "place" through an immanent critique of Kantian idealism and Cartesian rationalism, in order to decipher the "somatic component" as a field of forces buried and guarded under a secret and paradoxical combination: human being as a "factor" of Nature that exceeds him beyond his will to dominate, but also as an (im) possible subject in the field of politics, that is to say, as hybris, or disproportion.


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