No. 20: The deinstitutionalization of politics

Democratic Alert: The Oligarchy of the Parties and the Endo of the Just Government

Ángela Sierra González
Universidad de La Laguna
María Lourdes González Luis
Universidad de La Laguna
Published July 24, 2019


democracy, governance, institutions, legitimacy, neo-populism
How to Cite
Sierra González, Ángela, & González Luis, M. L. (2019). Democratic Alert: The Oligarchy of the Parties and the Endo of the Just Government. Bajo Palabra, (20), 213–226.


This paper reflects on some institutional problems of democratic governance and on what kind of democracy is desirable. The article assesses the validity of the pessimistic diagnosis of some authors - Caplan, Brennan, van Reybrouck, Mounk - based on institutional causes and social dysfunctions. From different perspectives they point to the weakening of democracies and the disconnection of political actions in favour of democratic ideals, as an expression of a loss of political legitimacy manifested by neo-populisms


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