No. 20: The deinstitutionalization of politics

What is Politically Possible in Globalization Times?

Griselda Gutiérrez Castañeda
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Published July 24, 2019


Globalization, Inclusion / Exclusion, Fragmentation, Deinstitutionalization Political subjects
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Castañeda, G. (2019). What is Politically Possible in Globalization Times?. Bajo Palabra, (20), 181–198.


The growing tendencies of complexity and indeterminacy characteristic of globalization and exacerbated by neoliberal economic policies, produce changes in the economic dynamics of the world market and effects that disrupt the juridical-political institutional frameworks of the states. From this horizon I analyze: how these transformations radicalize the questions about the possibilities of inclusion or exclusion of social agents, the density of fragmenting effects on the formation of collective identities, and ponder the opportunities or constraints of relevant political intervention, or whether there is room for resistance.


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