No. 20: The deinstitutionalization of politics

Constitutionalism and Democracy

M. Lourdes Santos Pérez
Universidad de Salamanca
Published July 24, 2019


Law, Institution, Democracy, Constitutionalism, Liberalism, Dworkin
How to Cite
Santos Pérez, M. L. (2019). Constitutionalism and Democracy. Bajo Palabra, (20), 87–106.


The organization of political power in a democratic society is not without its difficulties. Thus, the phenomenon known as constitutionalism has brought to the fore the discussion about whether this and democracy are opposite principles on which a sensible political theory should attempt to reach a compromise or are on the contrary complementary principles that have a common origin. Ronald Dworkin, one of the most important philosophers of law in recent decades, offers a suggestive reflection on this issue. This inquiry is not only of interest considered, but the way in which the article sheds light on the understanding of law as an institutional phenomenon.


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