No. 9 (2014)
IV. Miscelánea

The kidnapping of contemporary subject. From Karl Mannheim (ideology) and Mario Perniola (sensology) to anthropological risk of lost in the 21th century

Universidad de Sevilla
Portada del número 9 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2014


Ideology, sensology, ordo amoris, Karl Mannheim, Mario Perniola
How to Cite
BARRIENTOS RASTROJO, J. (2014). The kidnapping of contemporary subject. From Karl Mannheim (ideology) and Mario Perniola (sensology) to anthropological risk of lost in the 21th century. Bajo Palabra, (9), 243–257.


This paper explains the category of ideology from Karl Mannheim’s Ideology and Utopia. It takes it to feelings universe from sensological M. Perniola’s proposal (Del sentir, 2002) and it deepens the dangers of ideology and sensology related to the human being kidnapping. After avoiding risks of mentioned kidnapping, there are put forward new ideas that open a contemporary subject that apprehend cited notions (ideas and feelings) in an autonomously way.


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