No. 15 (2017): Monográfico: La Violencia y sus Formas
II. Estado, derecho y violencia / State, law and violence

Violence, justice and pardon

Antonio Campillo
Universidad de Murcia
Portada del número 15 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 15, 2017


Violence, politics, law, modernity, justice, pardon
How to Cite
Campillo, A. (2017). Violence, justice and pardon. Bajo Palabra, (15), 85–98.


Abstract: In this paper I firstly distinguish between physical strength, animal aggressiveness and human cruelty. Secondly, I show the inseparable link that ties human violence to the establishment of law and the political community. I then critically examine the three great modern political ideologies (liberalism, socialism and nationalism), which as other utopies of non-violence have produce new forms of violence. Finally, taken into account the terrible experiences of the 20th century, I outline seven additional theses on the features of human violence, on the way it copy itself and on the posible ways to interrupt or restrict it.


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