No. 15 (2017): Monográfico: La Violencia y sus Formas
I. Poder, religión y violencia / Power, religion and violence

The perverted game of pederasty. Power-violence on souls

Juan José Tamayo
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Portada del número 15 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 15, 2017


Power, violence, pederasty, hierarchy
How to Cite
Tamayo, J. J. (2017). The perverted game of pederasty. Power-violence on souls. Bajo Palabra, (15), 15–22.


This article deals with the permissiveness of crime, silence, lack of punishment, concealment, complicity and refusal to collaborate with justice that make pederasty not only an individual sexual aggression, but also a legitimized structural and institutionally practice –at least indirectly– by the ecclesiastical hierarchy at all levels in a chain of concealment that goes from the highest ecclesiastical authority to the pederast, passing through the intermediary links of religious power.


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