No. 9 (2014)
IV. Miscelánea

The Problem of Objectivity in History: A Dialogue Between Max Weber and Ankersmit

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Portada del número 9 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2014


History, Objectivity, Subjectivity, Max Weber, Ankersmit
How to Cite
OROZCO PÉREZ, M. (2014). The Problem of Objectivity in History: A Dialogue Between Max Weber and Ankersmit. Bajo Palabra, (9), 181–190.


The epistemological status of history in particular and the human sciences in general depends on objectivity. The problem stems from how the concept of objectivity is understood, and to what extent or in which sense historical knowledge may be considered objective. Is knowledge of history merely subjective? If so, why do some social groups consider that they have a common past? The present article attempts to answer these questions by establishing a dialogue between Max Weber, a classic author on the epistemology of human and social sciences, and the contemporary author Ankersmit.


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ANKERSMIT, Frank, Sublime historical experience, Standford University Press 2005.

HENNIS, Wilhelm, “Estar libre de valores como un precepto de distanciamiento”, en Arbor, nº 539-540, 1990.

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RUANO DE LA FUENTE, Yolanda, Racionalidad y conciencia trágica, Trotta, Madrid 1996.

WEBER, Max, „Der Sinn der „Wertfreiheit“ der soziologischen und ökonomischen Wissenschaften“, en: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1985. Edición española a cargo de Joaquín Abellán: Por qué no se deben hacer juicios de valor en la sociología y en la economía, Alianza, Madrid 2010.

WEBER, Max, „Die „Objektivität“ sozialwissenchaftlicher und socialpolitischer Erkenntnis“, en Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1985. Edición española a cargo de Joaquín Abellán, La “objetividad” del conocimiento en la ciencia social y en la política social, Alianza, Madrid 2009.

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