No. 14 (2017): Monográfico. Filosofía de la cultura audiovisual contemporánea: últimas tendencias
I. Cultura audiovisual contemporánea: tentativas teóricas / Audiovisual cultures: theoretical approaches

An audiovisual audiotopia for the XXIst Century

Germán Labrador López de Azcona
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada número 14 de Bajo Palabra
Published March 1, 2017


utopy, audiovisual, heterotopia, noosphere, power, censorship
How to Cite
Labrador López de Azcona, G. (2017). An audiovisual audiotopia for the XXIst Century. Bajo Palabra, (14), 21–36.


An entirely different way to access and use audiovisual productions of present and past times is discussed here. Glimpses of this audiovisual utopy can be experienced in present times, although it would imply an alternative organization of different aspects of everyday life, which is already posible in some environments.


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