No. 13 (2017): Monográfico. El exilio español de 1939 y la crítica de la razón totalitaria

Totalitarianism and Absolutism in Hannah Arendt y María Zambrano

Ricardo Tejada Mínguez
Université du Maine, LABO3LAM
Portada del número 13 de Bajo Palabra
Published March 1, 2017


Zambrano, Arendt, totalitarianism, Absolutism, history, lie, power
How to Cite
Tejada Mínguez, R. (2017). Totalitarianism and Absolutism in Hannah Arendt y María Zambrano. Bajo Palabra, (13), 77–88.


Some parallels are drawn between the life and the works of Arendt and MZ. In spite of many differences between them, both lived the exile and thought on it, and analysed Totalitarianism and Absolutism, respectively. In particular, it is pointed out four questions in that their perspectives coincide, differ, are alike or face, partially or totally: 1) history and temporality; 2) lie and the means to practise it; 3) power and the will of the head of the state; 4) the collective crime and the evil


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