No. 12 (2016)
Lógica, Filosofía de la Ciencia y del Lenguaje / Logic, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language

Sign and Meaning. A Reflection from Being and Time

Domingo Fernández Agis
Universidad de La Laguna
Portada del número 12 de Bajo Palabra
Published October 26, 2016


Heidegger, Derrida, sign, representation, action
How to Cite
Fernández Agis, D. (2016). Sign and Meaning. A Reflection from Being and Time. Bajo Palabra, (12), 319–326.


This paper is an essay about the meaning, based on the doctrine of the sign of Heidegger, as he develops it in Being and Time. The line of exposure and reflection that it is still, aims to highlight the effectiveness of such approaches, as well as the common ground that doctrine has with the ideas of other great representatives of contemporary thought, highlighting, in particular, how such a doctrine is complemented by the contributions of Derrida.


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