No. 12 (2016)
Estética y Teoría del Arte / Aesthetics and Art Theory

Reflections on Fashion: tensions, paradoxes and frivolities. Notes on Georg Simmel and Gabriel de Tarde

Iliaris A. Avilés Ortiz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 12 de Bajo Palabra
Published October 26, 2016


fashion, cotidianity, time, change, Georg Simmel, aesthetics, imitation, Gabriel de Tarde, sociology
How to Cite
Avilés Ortiz, I. A. (2016). Reflections on Fashion: tensions, paradoxes and frivolities. Notes on Georg Simmel and Gabriel de Tarde. Bajo Palabra, (12), 265–273.


This article aims to be a reflection of the philosophical aspects of fashion and imitation in the works of two nineteenth century thinkers: the German Georg Simmel and the French Gabriel de Tarde. On their works, fashion and imitation feedback themselves creating tensions between the individual and society. Change, assimilation, power and hierarchies are conjugated in a paradoxical game of our quotidian life; but these aspects of fashion and imitation are far from being frivolous. The works we discuss here are pertinent in the actual world and we cannot deny their significance and impact in our lives.


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