No. 12 (2016)
Estética y Teoría del Arte / Aesthetics and Art Theory

Nihilism and the new forms of the late-modern image

Federico Vercellone
Universidad de Turín
Portada del número 12 de Bajo Palabra
Published October 26, 2016


nihilism, romanticism, phantasmagoria, perception, media
How to Cite
Vercellone, F. (2016). Nihilism and the new forms of the late-modern image. Bajo Palabra, (12), 249–256.


We are facing a revolution of esthetical experience which can be called “explosion of the image”. The image creates its own medium, and the medium makes the image itself perceptible, avoiding any confusion with reality. The border between image and reality has been broken, thus reaching a sort of nihilism, last step of a long preparatory path within the art history. In the frame of this explosion of the image we are also facing, at the same time, a deep transformation of the models of rationality, that may lead to a pluralism inconceivable for modern reason (and maybe not only for it).


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