No. 12 (2016)
Filosofía de la Historia / Philosophy of History

Towards the dissolution of the object in the historical plot: a foundation of the interaction between the history writing process and the collective memory

Rafael Pérez Baquero
Portada del número 12 de Bajo Palabra
Published October 26, 2016


collective memory, historical fact, chronicle, narration, event, emplotment
How to Cite
Pérez Baquero, R. (2016). Towards the dissolution of the object in the historical plot: a foundation of the interaction between the history writing process and the collective memory. Bajo Palabra, (12), 201–214.


In the following pages we will try to design a philosophical reflexion about the status of the “historical fact”. We will defend its subordination at the narrative structure of the linguistic emplotments that are use by the historians. Consecuenlty, by using thesis from Paul Ricoeur, Hayden White, Roland Barthes, Arthur Danto or Louis Mink, we will show a vision of the historical narrative that is compatible with the reivindication of the influence of contextual factors – from politics, ideology, culture… - in the history writing process. In this sense, our thesis allows us to justify the interaction between history and “collective memory”.


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