No. 34 (2023): Época II. Nº34. 2023

The Exclusion of Women in the Enlightenment: When Reason Turned Against Its Own Principles

Irene Gómez Franco
Universitat de Girona
Published December 19, 2023


Enlightenment, practical reason, Immanuel Kant, gender equality, women, intergenerational justice
How to Cite
Gómez Franco, I. (2023). The Exclusion of Women in the Enlightenment: When Reason Turned Against Its Own Principles. Bajo Palabra, (34).


This article examines the contradictions of reason in the Age of Enlightenment through the lens of hermeneutic and feminist philosophy of equality. The theories of the most studied philosophers of the Enlightenment have fed the gender inequality on which the foundation sof Western reason have been laid. The argumentation departs, as a paradigmatic example, from the contrast between Kantian anthropological conception of women and the more egalitarian theses of some of his contemporaries. Secondly, I argue that the inconsistencies in the practical application of reason resulting from these theoretical shortcomings have been perpetuated intergenerationally. Real equality can only be achieved by revisiting and correcting the theoretical myopia of the Western philosophical canon that has formed the tradition.


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