No. 2 (2007)

Reinterpretación del proyecto filosófico de Platón: una lectura del sofista

Portada del número 2 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 1, 2007


wisdom , philosopher , sophist , enigma , logos , polis
How to Cite
Carrasco Campos, Ángel. (2007). Reinterpretación del proyecto filosófico de Platón: una lectura del sofista. Bajo Palabra, (2), 43–55.


In this essay we will analyze the figures of sophist and philosopher, considering a reading of Plato´s Sophist. For that purpose we will make use of Giorgio Colli´s concept of wisdom, in order to see the classical debate between philosophers and sophists as a fight, with authentic philosophical and social consequences, for the inherit of the role of archaic wise man in the new context of Greek polis.


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