No. 3 (2008)
Filosofía Iberoamericana

Actualidad del pensamiento crítico iberoamericano

Antolín Sánchez Cuervo
Portada del número 3 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2008


Ibero-American philosophy, philosophytradition, Enlightement, exile, criticism
How to Cite
Sánchez Cuervo, A. (2008). Actualidad del pensamiento crítico iberoamericano. Bajo Palabra, (3), 215–228.


The singularity of the Ibero-American thinking in the context of Western philosophy has been often dazzled under the commonplaces of his devaluating reduction to a tradition out of criticism and Enlightement, and the identification of the latter with objectives of European civilization under the pretext of the alleged universality of them. However, this singularity would lies rather in the raising of a critical tradition, able to unmask both commonplaces and set up the hypothesis of “another Enlightement”. The experience of exile has often been the leitmotif of this tradition, of which topicality give account recent works such as the ones of José Gaos, Eduardo Nicol, Joaquin Xirau and Maria Zambrano.


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