No. 4 (2009)
Historia de la Filosofía Antigua

Affection in Plato's Cosmology

C. Castro Faune
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 4 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2009


Palabras clave: movimiento, acción-pasión, percepción, afección. Keywords: movement, action-suffering, perception, condition.
How to Cite
Castro Faune, C. (2009). Affection in Plato’s Cosmology. Bajo Palabra, (4), 137–146.


We focus on the importance of the condition (páthema) in the process of knowledge. The condition is generated by the contact between a generated body that exerts an action (poieîn) and a human body that suffers this action (páskhein). The condition causes a dynamic reaction from the soul of the man, through which the intelligence, that is to say, the noûs, performs the circular movement by which the sensible world comes to know. 


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