No. 7 (2012)
Filosofía Moral, Política y del Derecho / Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy

To Understand Leviathan Globally

Ó. Anchorena Morales
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
L. García Portela
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 7 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2012


Hobbes, Leviathan, English civil war, political theory
How to Cite
Anchorena Morales, Ó., & García Portela, L. (2012). To Understand Leviathan Globally. Bajo Palabra, (7), 281–291.


In this essay our goal is to present and develop a global understanding of Hobbes’ political theory. To fully understand his theories one must read Hobbes while considering the era in which he lived; the European religious wars, the English civil war and of course the contemporary culture. We will also endeavor to explore how his ideas were received, their relative success or failure, in 17th century England.


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