information, knowledge, shadow of information, Web 2.0, Art 2.0, net-art, ciberfeminismCopyright (c) 2012 J. I. Rouyet Ruiz, L. Joyanes Aguilar
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Today everything that wants to be innovative has the nickname of “2.0”. This is the case with the so-called Art 2.0, apparently founded on Web 2.0. However this innovative Art 2.0 is just a copy when it only changes the canvas by technology, and the artist for the viewer. The main characteristic of Web 2.0 is the ‘shadow of information’. This is what distinguishes it from the Internet of one decade ago. Our proposal is to demand of art the expressive capacity to represent such a ‘shadow of information’, thus creating a real Art 2.0. Art 2.0 must be the aesthetics of this ‘shadow of information’, becoming the aesthetics of what it is unseen.
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