No. 7 (2012)
Estética y Teoría del Arte / Aesthetics and Art Theory

Preamble to a hermeneutics of hypertext

E. Ferrari Nieto
Universidad de Extremadura
Portada del número 7 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2012


Relational Aesthetics, Aesthetics of Reception, Infosaturation, Analogical Hermeneutics
How to Cite
Ferrari Nieto, E. (2012). Preamble to a hermeneutics of hypertext. Bajo Palabra, (7), 141–151.


The studies that have guided the theory of hypertext focused on its fragmented and not sequential structure. They just wanted to explore the possibilities for computer mechanisms to disrupt the morphology of literature. Now that this pathway is obsolete, we may try to develop a new and more productive theory, with greater potential, based on its functions rather than its nature. In line with current relational aesthetics, we could try to develop a hermeneutics of hypertext that may take advantage, as a literary work, of its hypertextual mechanism.


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