No. 8 (2013)
III. Derechos humanos, ciudadanía europea y cosmopolitismo: ¿utopía o realidad?

The political subject and the social transformation in Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib

Ana Velasco Lázaro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Portada del número 8 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 30, 2013


feminism, subject, dialogue, difference, power, equality
How to Cite
Velasco Lázaro, A. (2013). The political subject and the social transformation in Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib. Bajo Palabra, (8), 275–282.


This research shows the problem of social transformation in the contemporary feminist theory from the perspective of two authors: Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib. A different way of understanding the subject will take them to different political strategies, although they hold a common goal: the possibility of the speech's extension with the aim of being inclusive and its maintenance to guarantee the right of equality. The objective is to show, by taking the key aspects in which both philosophical projects find themselves as a starting point, the main issues with which an inclusive feminist theory should deal within the current context of globalization.


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