No. 11 (2015): Monográfico. Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar: una vocación filosófica

The Metaphysical Reflection of Rodriguez Huescar, the Pioneer Reading of Ortega

Juana Sánchez-Gey
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada del número 11 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 23, 2015


vital reason, metaphysics, proyect, self executant
How to Cite
Sánchez-Gey, J. (2015). The Metaphysical Reflection of Rodriguez Huescar, the Pioneer Reading of Ortega. Bajo Palabra, (11), 63–74.


Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar has been, among the disciples of Ortega, one of those who
have out stand more his metaphysical Thought . We show this text of his master about the
theme «Razón Vital» (Vital Reason), what it is perspectivism, but a metaphysical perspectivism.
The Ortega’s «Razón Vital» supposes a reason that supers and go further than the classic
concept of Realism and Idealism.


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