No. 11 (2015): Monográfico. Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar: una vocación filosófica

The Criticism of Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar to Husserl’s Idealism

Javier San Martín
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Portada del número 11 de Bajo Palabra
Published December 23, 2015


phenomenology, Husserl, Ortega y Gasset, idealism, epojé
How to Cite
San Martín, J. (2015). The Criticism of Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar to Husserl’s Idealism. Bajo Palabra, (11), 51–62.


this article deals with the presentation made by Rodríguez Huéscar on the problem of
overcoming idealism, as proposed by Ortega. It focuses on the starting point of the analysis
from Fichte’s «pure I» and the confusion in which Ortega incurred by believing that the pure
«I» in Husserl’s phenomenology is identical to Fichte’s «I». Huéscar defended Ortega’s reading,
and he did not accept the possibility of performing the phenomenological reduction.


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