The background of precarity as the inherent negativity of neoliberalism: a critique to the binomial dialectics of Byung-Chul Han
Byung-Chul Han, neoliberalism, co-determination, precarityCopyright (c) 2024 Alberto Morán Roa

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Byung-Chul Han argues that neoliberalism operates in such a way that the subjects constituted within its framework of actions freely exploit themselves. He thus posits a difference between the contemporary form of power, based on positivity, and those of the past, based on the negativity of punishment and coercion. However, is this the case? This article will argue that Han omits the role of negativity in neoliberalism: from its punitive dimension to its background of precarity. His excessively binomial dialectical scheme overlooks the constitutive role of negativity, its irreducible role.
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