No. 36 (2024): Los límites de la vida: ciudadanía, derechos y dominación en la globalización neoliberal

The Biopolitics of the Israeli occupation of Palestine

Laila Yousef Sandoval
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Published December 15, 2024


Biopolitics, Occupation, Colonialism, Palestine, Israel
How to Cite
Yousef Sandoval, L. . (2024). The Biopolitics of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Bajo Palabra, (36), 79–98.


The aim of this article is to show what biopolitical dynamics take place under the Israeli occupation of Palestine through an exercise of contextualization of the origins and colonial practices, as well as their effects on the different spheres of life of the Palestinians who suffer them. Biopolitical domination, which focuses on behaviors, everyday life and the production of discourses aimed at controlling the lives of the masses, in this case also presents certain limits insofar as the Palestinian people have been able to develop forms of resilience that seek emancipation and freedom and that somehow nullify the annihilating effects of this biopolitics.



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