A Naturalistic Reinterpretation of the Compensatory Function of Metaphor and Myth in the Philosophy of Hans Blumenberg
Myth, Absolute Metaphors, German Philosophical Anthropology, Imagination, NaturalismCopyright (c) 2024 Diego Zorita Arroyo
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The reflection on the compensatory function of myth and absolute metaphors is already present in Paradigms for a Metaphorology. However, the anthropological assumptions on which this function is based are exposed by Blumenberg in Work on Myth and systematized in the posthumous work Description of Man. In this article I review these three works in relation to the compensatory function of myth and absolute metaphors, critically expose the anthropological assumptions on which it is based – which Blumenberg extracts from German philosophical anthropology – and propose an alternative foundation on which to base the compensatory function of these imaginary representations.
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