No. 35 (2024): Blumenberg: Antropología y post-metafísica

The Problem of Taste and the Anthropological Dilemmas of One’s Own Body in Hans Blumenberg

Ángel Octavio Álvarez Solís
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Published December 15, 2024


Taste, Phenomenology, Hunger, Senses, Anthropology
How to Cite
Álvarez Solís, Ángel O. . (2024). The Problem of Taste and the Anthropological Dilemmas of One’s Own Body in Hans Blumenberg. Bajo Palabra, (35), 69–86.


The essay argues the problem of taste in Hans Blumenberg, particularly analyzing the anthropological conditions by which the act of eating is possible. The first part describes the problem of minor senses such as taste, smell, and touch in the anthropology of the senses. The second part discussed the sense of taste and its phenomenological performance. The last part postulates, against the verticality of the gaze, the horizontality of taste as a founding process of anthropogenesis.


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