No. 33 (2023): Época II. Nº33. 2023

Notes on Work and Financial Inclusion

Verónica Gago
Universidad Nacional de San Martín-Universidad de Buenos Aires
Luci Cavallero
Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero
Published December 19, 2023


Labor, pandemic, social reproduction, financial inclusion
How to Cite
Gago, V. ., & Cavallero, L. . (2023). Notes on Work and Financial Inclusion. Bajo Palabra, (33), 103–116.


The pandemic has meant a moment of reconfiguration and, at the same time, of deepening of existing economic and political logics. In this text, we focus on some of them that concern how the world of finance has launched "responses" to the emergency situation in domestic territories (households, neighborhoods, communities). To this end, we analyze how finance proposes a certain management of poverty, deepening policies of so-called "financial inclusion". From this, we focus on highlighting the link between finance and forms of labor precariousness. In fact, the dispute over the forms of work is analyzed from the tension between essentiality-recognition-remuneration. For this purpose, we make a brief genealogy of how the broadening of the concept of work has been implemented in practical terms by the feminist mobilizations of recent years, especially by focusing on social reproduction.


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