No. 34 (2023): Época II. Nº34. 2023

The cellarer of the Blood of Christ: The Roman Pontiff in the letters from Catherine of Siena to Gregory XI

Anastasía Assimakópulos Figueroa
Universidad de los Andes, Chile
Published December 19, 2023


Catherine of Siena, Roman Pontiff, Doctors of the Church, power of government
How to Cite
Assimakópulos Figueroa, A. (2023). The cellarer of the Blood of Christ: The Roman Pontiff in the letters from Catherine of Siena to Gregory XI. Bajo Palabra, (34), 259–276.


This article deals with the office of the Roman Pontiff in the letters from Catherine of Siena to Gregory XI. From her own experience and in a feminine language she reflected on the Petrine primacy bringing together theoretical and practical aspects. In her letters, she highlighted that the papal authority was to serve as a shepherd and cellar keeper of the Blood of Christ. His poor performance was an issue that affected the members of the Church. Likewise, she explained to Gregory XI, that the unity of the Church, as the fundamental mission of the Pope, demanded his return to his legitimate see in Rome.


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