No. 34 (2023): Época II. Nº34. 2023

Looking towards the open: the human and the animal

Fabio Scalese
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica
Published December 19, 2023


open, human, animal, anti-speciesism, logos
How to Cite
Scalese, F. (2023). Looking towards the open: the human and the animal. Bajo Palabra, (34), 243–258.


The paper examines Rilke’s Eighth Duino Elegy, focusing on the distinction between animals and humans and their relationship with the Open. Firstly, the importance of this difference is emphasized and a contribution from Leopardi is introduced to draw connections with Rilke. Secondly, the affinity between the two authors is explored, considering the ontological significance of the animal. After that, Heidegger commentary on the Elegy is discussed, highlighting a variation in the definition of the Open. Finally, reflections on Heidegger are pre- sented through the lens of Derrida.


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