No. 34 (2023): Época II. Nº34. 2023

The first support networks among women jurists (1920-1975)

Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco
Universidad de Navarra
Published December 19, 2023


women, sorority, networks, law, feminism
How to Cite
Díaz de Terán Velasco, M. C. (2023). The first support networks among women jurists (1920-1975). Bajo Palabra, (34), 39–56.


The object of this paper is the support networks among women jurists. The study is divided into two stages: the first focuses on the networks that emerged among pioneer women lawyers until the outbreak of the Civil War (1920-1936). This part focuses mainly on the actions carried out by Clara Campoamor and Matilde Huici. In the second stage, the networks that emerged from the end of the war until the end of the Dictatorship (1939-1975) are presented. In this case, the work of Mercedes Formica and María Telo has an outstanding treatment. In both stages, the written press was the loudspeaker through which their achievements, failures, expressions of sympathy and rejections were proclaimed. For this reason, the chronicles of the media of the time serve as the guiding thread of this work.


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