No. 32 (2023): Why Philosophy is Important to Politics? Why Does Politics Matter in Philosophy?

Epistemology and care: two thresholds between philosophy and politics

Javier Camargo-Castillo
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Ivón Cepeda-Mayorga
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Published June 6, 2023


Care, Gloria Anzaldúa, Intersubjetivity, Epistemic injustice, Decolonial turn
How to Cite
Camargo-Castillo, J., & Cepeda-Mayorga, I. . (2023). Epistemology and care: two thresholds between philosophy and politics. Bajo Palabra, (32), 285–306. (Original work published June 5, 2023)


This work explores the relationship between philosophy and politics from two thresholds. The first of them recovers the thought of Gloria Anzaldúa to suggest that, between the two, writing plays a double role: on the one hand, as a political act of social transformation, but also as an epistemological shift of the subjectivity and rewriting of reality from an ontology-epistemology of radical interconnection. The second threshold refers to a theoretical conception of care with authors such as Joan Tronto, Laura Pautassi, and Nadya Araujo Guimarães to establish how this perspective implies rethinking politics that addresses intersubjectivity. From the contrast of both approaches, we propose that there is a constant dialogue between politics and philosophy, and the possibility of making visible the vulnerability and interconnection of the human condition.


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