No. 32 (2023): Why Philosophy is Important to Politics? Why Does Politics Matter in Philosophy?

Philosophy and Politics – An Odd Couple

Frank Ruda
Chair of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy at the at the University of Dundee, Professor for Philosophy at the European Graduate School, and Adjunct Professor of School of Marxism at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China.
Published June 6, 2023


Diagonal, G.W.F Hegel, Sylvain Lazarus, Coupling, Impossibility
How to Cite
Ruda, F. (2023). Philosophy and Politics – An Odd Couple. Bajo Palabra, (32), 57–76. (Original work published June 5, 2023)


The article addresses the strange relationship between politics and philosophy, a relationship that is determined by peculiar asymmetries, by critically discussing the work of French anthropologist, Sylvan Lazarus. It demonstrates from a Hegelian perspective that philosophy is able to think that and what “politics thinks” in a historically singular way and thereby does not fall prey to the criticisms raised against it from the “thinking of politics in its interiority” (Lazarus).


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