No. 30 (2022)

The Plague Confession: Approach to Sophocles’ Philoctetes

Published December 22, 2022


Plague, symbols, Sófocles, Ricoeur, COVID 19
How to Cite
Junco, E., & Calabrese, C. C. (2022). The Plague Confession: Approach to Sophocles’ Philoctetes. Bajo Palabra, (30), 461–478. (Original work published December 19, 2022)


We propose a reading of the plague in
the tragedy of Sophocles Philoctetes, based
on the interpretive paradigms of Paul
Ricoeur, which emphasizes the role of the
mythical model in updating the symbols
of origin and especially the presence of
evil. We go through the notions associated
with dirt as guilt and wound as expiation.
From there we offer lines of reflection
to think about the non-physical
implications of the current pandemic; if
the cosmic plane of events connects with
an ethical plane, the relationship with
present evil demands new community


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