Deleuze, Bacon, Nietzsche, Spinoza, body, power, forces, form, limit, spaceCopyright (c) 2022 Anna Piazza
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article offers an interpretation of
Bacons’s paintings focusing on the subject
of the body. It takes advantage of
Deleuze’s analysis, who, appealing particularly
to his reception of Nietzsche and
Spinoza, asks the question about the relationship
between matter and the forces
that animate it, what becomes perceptible
in the body. This question aspires to
redefine the comprehension of the same
relationship between matter and form,
which, according to Deleuze’s interpretation
of Bacon, has to be read as limit-tension
or limit-spatialization. In this way,
on the basis of Bacon’s work, it will be
stressed the meaning of particular stylistic
conceptions not only for art history
and for the history of philosophy.
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