No. 30 (2022)

Sound worlds, aesthetics and emerging technologies

Published December 22, 2022


Contemporary Music, Esthetics, Soundscape, Aurality
How to Cite
Rivera Fernández, M. L. (2022). Sound worlds, aesthetics and emerging technologies. Bajo Palabra, (30), 359–374. (Original work published December 19, 2022)


The musical artistic proposals of the
20th and 21st centuries have incorporated
all kinds of sounds into artistic
actions, changing the perception of the
work of art, and fostering a new way of
listening to the environment. The universe
of sound has expanded enormously
and artistic practices have opened up to
new realities, emerging technologies and
conceptions of global and open listening.
In this article we analyze the sound resources
of some essential proposals in
the sound journey of the 20th and 21st
centuries. In the first place, the figure of
a Spanish inventor and visionary, José
Antonio García Castillejo, el Cura Castillejo,
as the absolute forerunner of electronic
music with his electro composer
device, and his visionary conceptions of
music and art. Second, the proposals of
John Cage. Third, the ideas of Murray
Shafer in Canada and his Soundscape.
Fourth, the genius of Llorenç Barber in
Spain, to finally end with the conception
of artistic research by Alex Arteaga.


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