No. 30 (2022)

Safeguard the city: Art and ethics in the practical application of the frontier of reason for political failure

Published December 22, 2022


limit, ethics, politics, security, domination, art, symbolism
How to Cite
Caro Rey, J. (2022). Safeguard the city: Art and ethics in the practical application of the frontier of reason for political failure. Bajo Palabra, (30), 319–336. (Original work published December 19, 2022)


This article analyzes the fundamental
ideas of the practical application of the
frontier of reason, which Eugenio Trías
proposed as the recreation of philosophical
rationality. To begin with, it shows
how ethics and the politics of limits represent
a systematic reflection on four
basic ideas-values: freedom, happiness,
justice and security. Secondly, it deals
with the perversion of “security” as the
source of “political failure”, and thus,
would besiege the frontier of praxis, and
finally, this concept will lead to assess the
role of art as a practical dimension that
would help to avoid “political failure.


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Trías, E., El hilo de la verdad, Destino, Barcelona, 2004.

Trías, E., Ciudad sobre ciudad: Arte, religión y ética en el cambio de milenio, Destino,

Barcelona, 2001.

Vattimo, G., La secularización de la filosofía: Hermenéutica y Postmodernidad,

Gedisa, Barcelona, 1998.