Arendt, hell, world, immanence, alterityCopyright (c) 2022 Julián García Labrador
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The present article focuses on the
Arendtian conception of concentration
camps as an image of hell. It is explained
that this image appears to the extent
that humans can build an image in terms
of domination. Arendt assumes that the
modern production of the image of hell
rests on two assumptions: the immanence
of the secularized world and the phenomenology
of appearance. In this interpretative
framework, dependent on the
Heideggerian ontology of totality, the
concentration camps were the image of
hell because the dehumanization of the
victims appeared as a possibility at hand.
It is concluded by emphasizing, hand
in hand with Lévinas, that this Arendtian
interpretation of the concentration
camps reveals her limitations in not being
able to think otherness beyond the
immanence of the world.
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