No. 30 (2022)

Educational Approach of The Time of the Hero (1963): Necessary Acquisition of Violence for the Characters

Published December 22, 2022


Violence, literary analysis, identity, empiricism, education
How to Cite
Delgado Del Aguila, J. M. (2022). Educational Approach of The Time of the Hero (1963): Necessary Acquisition of Violence for the Characters. Bajo Palabra, (30), 225–238. (Original work published December 19, 2022)


This work takes up the basic conceptions
of violence, understood by authors
such as Benjamín, Domenach, Žižek,
Sen, among others. The purpose is to empirically
configure the path of violence in
The Time of the Hero. This procedure will
be graphed with a hierarchical triangle,
in which the cyclical and iterative orientation
of this negative indicator will be
perceived. Therefore, qualifiers such as
victim or similar, which are conditioned
to the protagonists, will be verified. In
that sense, this text fulfills the function
of revealing the multiple subjective adaptations
and explaining their reasons.


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