No. 30 (2022)

A (des)ontologisation of Antonio Negri’s Machiavelli

Published December 22, 2022


Machiavelli, Antonio Negri, constituent power, Republic, ontology
How to Cite
Gómez Villar, A. (2022). A (des)ontologisation of Antonio Negri’s Machiavelli. Bajo Palabra, (30), 43–62. (Original work published December 19, 2022)


Antonio Negri seeks in Machiavelli
the principles of an ontology of constituent
power. This article critiques the
ways in which Negri reads his own theory
in the Florentine’s writings. Specifically,
the transition to antagonism he detects
in the complex relationship between The
Prince and the Discourses; the ontologisation
of the virtue/fortune relationship;
the impossibility of the Negrian multitude
to explain the metonymic gesture of
Machiavelli’s plebeians; and the alleged
absolute nature of the republican form.


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