No. 29 (2022): Monográfico La noción de cuerpo, debates entre la naturaleza, la cultura y el pensamiento político en la temprana modernidad

My body is not a cage: Baruch Spinoza and the resistance of bodies?

Published December 22, 2022


body, resistance, individual, Baruch Spinoza
How to Cite
David Rozenberg, A. (2022). My body is not a cage: Baruch Spinoza and the resistance of bodies?. Bajo Palabra, (29), 121–138. (Original work published December 11, 2022)


The present work seeks to investigate
the relationship between body and resistance
in the thought of Baruch Spinoza.
Faced with the thesis that bodies resist
the changes produced by the effects of
external bodies, he proposes to think
that said change and affection is also the
exercise of resistance. For this, the article
is divided into three parts. The first investigates
what Spinoza understands by
body. The second part develops the need
for other bodies to persevere in being.
The third part links body and resistance
under the consideration of the ethical
project of the Dutch philosopher.


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