No. 29 (2022): Monográfico La noción de cuerpo, debates entre la naturaleza, la cultura y el pensamiento político en la temprana modernidad

Hobbes and Locke on the Right to Punish and State Violence

Published December 22, 2022


Hobbes, Locke, right to punish, state of war, State
How to Cite
Limongi, M. I. (2022). Hobbes and Locke on the Right to Punish and State Violence. Bajo Palabra, (29), 19–36. (Original work published December 11, 2022)


In this paper, I revisit two classic works
- T. Hobbes’ Leviathan and J. Locke’s Second
Treatise on Government - to suggest
that such works allow us to reinvigorate
the understanding of the State as an instance
of political regulation that is both
present and absent, as in the peripheries
of large Brazilian cities, about which it is
customary to say that the State is present
only to punish. To think about this situation,
Hobbes and Locke offer an alternative
to the lexicon in vogue of exception,
allowing us to think about it in the form
of a permanent tension - political and
not legal - between the rule of law and
the state of war, a tension that is built up
around the right to punish.


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