No. 28 (2021): Subjects, persons and individuals: studies about individuality

Individuality and its paradoxes. An epistemological-political analysis and some examples

Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Published December 27, 2021


individuality, Human Rights, paradoxes, subject of law, autonomy
How to Cite
Gamero Cabrera, I. G. . (2021). Individuality and its paradoxes. An epistemological-political analysis and some examples. Bajo Palabra, (28), 155–173.


In this paper, I am going to clarify
some epistemological-political difficulties
that lay under the concept of “individual”.
I will follow Joan W. Scott’s work to argue that this concept entails a paradox,
because it is abstract and particular at the
same time. I will link this paradox with
the question about who is (or might be)
an individual and subject of law as well.
To this end, I will analyse some uses of this
concept in some scenarios and moments
of the European History, from the revolutionary France and the first debates about
who was citizen, to the consequences of
the decolonial process in Europe in the
20th Century. I will end up with some references about the rise of ultra-right parties
and the necessity of claim for a concept of
“individual”, despite all its difficulties and


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