No. 10 (2015)
II. Metafísica y Epistemología

Negativity and Event: A Dialogue between Adorno and Heidegger from the Perspective of Gianni Vattimo's Hermeneutics

Daniel Mariano Leiro
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Portada del número 10 de Bajo Palabra
Published September 18, 2015


Adorno, Heidegger, hermeneutics, Marx, mysticism, Vattimo, Adorno, Heidegger, hermeneutics, Marx, mysticism, Vattimo
How to Cite
Mariano Leiro, D. (2015). Negativity and Event: A Dialogue between Adorno and Heidegger from the Perspective of Gianni Vattimo’s Hermeneutics. Bajo Palabra, (10), 211–220.


This paper attempts to sketch a more radical interpretation of Heideggerian ontology that went unnoticed by Adorno’s destructive criticism. In doing so we try to restore the emancipatory aspirations to the dissolution of all domination that encouraged the author of Negative Dialectik. Those efforts went unrealized in Adorno's thought because his critique became lost in the horizon of metaphysics. To show this we have chosen as an interpretive conduit Gianni Vattimo’s reading developed in his last nihilistic hermeneutics. This reading joins the most recent attempts to develop a “left-wing Heideggerianism,” but its achievement is reengaging in a dialogue with Nietzsche and the Hegelian-Marxist tradition, in order to reveal the transforming and differentiating potential that still now courses through Heidegger’s philosophy.


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