No. 10 (2015)
I. Filosofía moral, política y del derecho

Authority, Solitude and the World: A Dialogue Between Jaspers and Arendt

Edgar Straehle Porras
Universidad de Barcelona
Portada del número 10 de Bajo Palabra
Published September 18, 2015


Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, authority, solitude, world, discipleship
How to Cite
Straehle Porras, E. (2015). Authority, Solitude and the World: A Dialogue Between Jaspers and Arendt. Bajo Palabra, (10), 17–29.


This article explores the philosophical relationship between Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers through the idea of authority, which was a partial counterpoint to the influence of Heidegger. Jaspers developed a philosophy of existence based on the concept of communication and openness to the Other, and engaged with politics and the present in general. Arendt nevertheless eventually distanced herself from his thinking when she concluded that Jaspers’ thought did not attain the necessary dimension of plurality.


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