No. 19: Laicism and secularization in current Europe

Is a Secular Europe possible?

Antonio García Santesmases
Published December 5, 2018
How to Cite
García Santesmases, A. (2018). Is a Secular Europe possible?. Bajo Palabra, (19), 173–188.


The question is whether a secular Europa can survive in front of the most relevant events of recent years such as jihadism, the growth of the extreme right-wing and new issues surrounding the return of religion.


Keywords: jihadism, religion, secularism, European model, republicanism, multiculturalism.


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García Santemases, A., “La encrucijada europea y la apelación a la historia”, Eidon 43, 2015, pp. 28-39.

García Santemases, A., “La carpeta vacía. Democracia, laicidad e interculturalidad”, Letra Internacional 123, 2016, 15-24.