No. 19: Laicism and secularization in current Europe
Politics of religion

Democratic Reason and Religious Faith

Félix Duque Pajuelo
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Published December 4, 2018
How to Cite
Duque Pajuelo, F. (2018). Democratic Reason and Religious Faith. Bajo Palabra, (19), 21–48.


He core of religion remains an unsettling Ereignis, namely something never present that can nevertheless be glimpsed in an incessant hermeneusis, seeking a beginning that has always been postponed and anticipated at the same time: a peculiar beginning, that is simultaneously returned and yet to come, but never fully arrived or departed. Religion always moves between a deferred past and a deferred future, therefore it demands to be transmitted.


Keywords: Religion, democracy, revelation, secularization, religatio, christianity.


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