No. 18 (2018)
Metaphysics and Theory ok Knowledge

The authority of Scriptures in the Work of John Locke: the problem of the proof of traditional revelation

Joan Severo Chumbita
Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Published November 6, 2018
How to Cite
Chumbita, J. S. (2018). The authority of Scriptures in the Work of John Locke: the problem of the proof of traditional revelation. Bajo Palabra, (18).



In this paper we will study the way in which Scriptural revelation authority is sustained in the work of John Locke. First, we will show the recurrence and centrality of the Scriptural reference as a source of moral authority. Second, we will analyze the articulation proposed between revelation and reason. Finally, we will consider the coherence between the validity of rationalistic empiricism in the Lockean epistemology and the acceptation of a revelation’s undemonstrative proof in an empiric-rational way, supported on the divine provenance validated by the existence of miracles.

Keywords: Locke, Reason, faith, Scriptures, Latitudinarianism, Skepticism.


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